What should I expect my bridesmaids to spend to be in my wedding party? Dress cost? What else?
Q: What should I expect my bridesmaids to spend to be in my wedding party? Dress cost? What else?
So to say that a bridesmaid should expect to spend a certain dollar amount at a wedding, it’s an unfair expectation to set, right? It totally depends on you, on what type of day you want. And every couple is different. And some couples, they want to pay for everything for their bridal party, and other couples s expect their bridal parties to cover things, and there’s no wrong way to do it. I think the important thing is to outline what those expenses are and then be very upfront. When you ask someone to be a part of your bridal party and they say yes, let them know, here’s what I have planned, here’s what I expect the expenses will be. And then you don’t have unrealistic expectations going into it, right? Because a bridesmaid who may have never been a part of a wedding before, she might not have any idea that she’s got to buy shoes, she’s got to buy jewelry, she’s got to buy a dress. Maybe it has to be a certain dress. If you’re requiring a certain dress and you’re requiring certain jewelry and you’re acquiring certain shoes, you need to be upfront about that. So I think that whatever your expectations are, it’s just super important to be upfront with them and to have good planning yourself so that you don’t set anyone else up for failure and then you don’t have any hurt feelings down the road. So.
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